RIMtech Webinars
Monthly Webinars
Bruce Miller will be conducting a webinar each month on a topic related to EDRMS. The date will be on or about the second Tuesday of each month. Features:
Either free, or a nominal charge to attend
Duration will vary from 30 to 60 minutes depending on the topic
Opportunity for live Question/Answers
All webinars will be recorded and posted on this page
Bruce encourages you to contact him with suggestions for topics at bmiller@rimtechconsulting.com
Upcoming Webinars
April 1 2021
9:00 PM PST
EDRMS for Microsoft SharePoint/M365
Hosted by ARMA Greater Seattle Chapter. Considering recordkeeping compliance for Microsoft SharePoint/M365? Before you do anything, attend this in-depth webinar from Bruce Miller – author, independent consultant, and leading expert in electronic recordkeeping, and author of “Managing Records in SharePoint”. Bruce will explain, in easily understandable terms, what you most need to know to make effective decisions and form a clear project plan going forward. He’ll explain the essential EDRMS concepts and principles you need to know, key EDRMS performance measures, the need to make your retention schedule software-ready, how to configure SharePoint for EDRMS, and how to automate all end user recordkeeping functions. He’ll also delve into M365 native recordkeeping capability versus third-party add-in software for records management. Clear, concise facts and concepts. Real-Life. Vendor neutral. Up to date. Stripped of jargon. Clearly presented. The best, most comprehensive EDRMS knowledge available today.

Past Webinars
December 15 2020
2:00 PM EST
EDRMS Basic Principles – Rules-Based Recordkeeping (RBR)
The ability to automate end user recordkeeping processes has long eluded us, despite two decades of technology innovation. Solutions have been too complicated, too costly, or too burdensome. Rules-Based Recordkeeping (RBR) is a combination of technology and technique that requires no exotic technology, is relatively easy to learn, and it works for most records! Best of all, RBR does not depend on end user participation, as declaration and classification can be fully automated. RBR can determine which documents are records, declare records when appropriate, classify them properly against the retention schedule, and move them to records storage at a suitable time, all with little or no reliance on end users.

November 17 2020
2:00 PM EST
EDRMS Basic Principles – Performance Metrics
There are three quantitative measures that will tell you if your EDRMS project is meeting recordkeeping compliance expectations. Attend this session to understand these measures, how and when to measure them, and how to interpret the numbers.

Webinar - Email is Your Most Challenging Record
Learn how to capture and manage it correctly
This is a recording of a webinar of October 8 2020, delivered by Bruce Miller (RIMtech) and Jack Owens (Repstor). Features a live demonstration of email management.
November 17 2020
2:00 PM EST
EDRMS Basic Principles – Performance Metrics
There are three quantitative measures that will tell you if your EDRMS project is meeting recordkeeping compliance expectations. Attend this session to understand these measures, how and when to measure them, and how to interpret the numbers.